Friday 27 January 2012

a letter to my bear

dear poppy,
today you are 22 months old.  i wanted to write you this letter for you to look back on and remember the amazing little girl that you are.   you are becoming the funniest and kindest little person, i could ever have imagined. you are singing songs with me and doing all the actions, you are signing and speaking so well that we are able to have conversations and talk about our day together.  yesterday i bought you your first pants... you were so happy to have them that you wouldn't let go so that the cashier could scan them! then when we got home, you put them on all by yourself, one after the other.  i was so proud as you said 'thank you mummy' and toddled off to play wearing seven pairs of pants! your dad and i laughed at how clever and sweet you are.

you told your daddy as he left for work 'bye bye daddy, see you in the morning!' and you say 'night night bugs bed bite' at bed time.  you make me so happy and proud everyday.

thank you

lots of love and cuddles

mum xxx

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